What We Do
GCL has successfully completed several consultancy services in areas indicated below. They majorly include; Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) for proposed projects and Environmental Audits (EAs) on existing establishments throughout Kenya. We partner with reputable and registered Planners and Planning Firms to offer Major Town Planning Services, like; Change of Users, Extension of Users, Land Amalgamation and Subdivision, Proposal Pitching and other land use activities. We also partner with DOSHS accredited Firms and Individuals by Coordinating Training in Health and Safety, Industrial Risk Assessments, Health and Safety Audits, Fire Safety Audits, Noise Measurements among other services, Our clients include Commercial Investment companies, Manufacturers, Developers, Government Agencies, institutions, Parastatals, Contractors, Individuals and other consulting firms. We also carry out several other consultancy services as listed below. The professional, technical and non-technical staff that comprise GCL have diverse talents, professionalism and unique experiences that are called upon during the courses of our projects. The cumulative years of experience along with the various specialized experiences is available to all clients without discrimination.
Our Services Include:
- Conducting Environmental Impact Assessments on proposed projects(EIA)
- Conducting Strategic Environmental Assessments on proposed policies, strategies and projects (SEA)
- Conducting Environmental Audits (EA) consultancies
- Carrying out Change of Users
- Town Planning and Master Plan preparations
- Land Amalgamation and Subdivision
- Preparation of training materials on EIA, SEA and EA
- Conducting feasibility studies
- Development of Natural resources management Plans
- Preparation Project monitoring and evaluation services
- Conducting research on climate change issues
- Facilitators in environmental impact assessment and audit trainings
- Help clients meet compliance standards with the relevant authorities.
- Environmental healthy and safety Audits on establishments
- Consultancy in coastal marine management
- Consultancy services in solid waste management
- Consultancy services in waste water management
- Coordinating factory/Industrial health and safety assessments, Audits and Trainings
- Land surveys through partnerships with licensed land surveyors
- Advising on Sustainable Green Real Estate Investments.
Some of the factories and Industries that we carry Audit Annually Environmentally.