Our Team

benjamin nyandika ombati MR. BENJAMIN NYANDIKA OMBATI
 Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
 (Principal Consultant)

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Mr. Ombati holds Bachelor’s  Degree in Environmental Studies from Kenyatta University. He is a NEMA registered and licensed Lead Expert and is a member of the  Environment Institute of Kenya (EIK).
He has wide experience in Environmental matters ranging from carrying out Environmental Impact Assessments, Environmental Audits, carrying out Environmental Trainings, Health and safety assessments, advising clients on best environmental practices and ensuring planned sustainable development in projects he undertakes.

As a general supplier of goods and services, Purchase and sale of properties and real estate investments. His other previous assignments have included; A member of E-waste Guidelines and E-learning Development Committee for Republic of Kenya, Environmental Consultant at Masuro Environmental Management Company Ltd, Ecolife Consortium Ltd and Netsavvy Communication Company. Mr. Ombati is also the Director of Diamond Afrika Holdings Ltd (a real estate investment, General Supplier,  Property buying and selling company) and Premium Connect Limited (Online Property marketing company)  and does consultancy works widely with different firms including GreenPlanet Africa Ltd.



[Senior Planner]

Mr. Arandu is Senior Consultant  in Sustainable Urban Land Development, Scheme Designs, Urban Research & Policy, Planning for Urban Risk & Resilience. He holds a B.A. in Urban & Regional Planning (University of Nairobi 2008). M.A International Planning & Sustainable Development (University of Westminster-London UK, 2013).


•2007: Team member (Physical Planning and SPSS expert): Preparation of Local Physical Development Plan for Kakoneni Location, Malindi County. Client- County Council of Malindi

•2008-2009: GIS /CAD expert and Research Assistant on a GoK funded project: Digital Mapping and Preparation of Strategic Urban Development Plan for Garissa Town and Madogo Township.

•2010 to 2013: Working with Impact Consultants and other Consultants in the built environment as a senior planner. Main duties include preparation of Planning reports, Comprehensive scheme designs, Subdivision schemes, Traffic Impact Assessments, Mixed use development concepts, Change of user and density, Data analysis and Presentation, GIS and CAD expert.

2014 to Present: Mr. Arandu Working with Greendime Consultants Ltd and other Consultants in the built environment as a senior planner. Main duties include preparation of Planning Planning reports, Comprehensive scheme designs, Subdivision schemes, Traffic Impact Assessments, Mixed use development concepts, Change of user and density, Data analysis and Presentation, GIS and CAD expert. He is also the Director of Premium Connect Ltd an online property marketing company.

kelvin oderi nyangakaMR. ELVIN OERI NYAGAKA
(Environmental Consultant)

Mr. Elvin holds Masters of Arts Degree in Project Planning and Management from University of Nairobi and Bachelors Degree in Environmental Studies from Kenyatta University. He is registered with the National Environment Management Authority as Lead Environmental Impact Assessment Expert and practice same capacity.

He has vast experience in Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit studies, environmental trainings and Occupational Health and Safety Assessments. In his Masters education, Elvin did and published a thesis report on the influence of environmental auditing on environmental performance of commercial facilities in Gucha District (http://erepository.uonbi.ac.ke:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/8131). He has also written several articles on environmental conservation issues. Mr. Oeri is a flexible expert always available on short notice and highly reliable. He is also a member of Environment Institute of Kenya (EIK).

Environmental Consultant

Calvince Ochieng holds Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science from Egerton University. He is a NEMA registered and licensed expert. Mr. Calvince is engaged in Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit consultancies. He is well equipped with skills for in – depth analysis of environmental impacts of infrastructure projects. He has conducted Environmental Impact Assessment for a variety of infrastructure projects in Kenya including major Roads Infrastructure and Interchanges. Other projects include Water and Sanitation, Industrial Processing Plants and Real Estates, Quarries, Bridges, Waste Transfer Stations, Water Pans, Incinerators and Boreholes. He has undertaken many Environmental Audits and effectively engaged in Industrial Environment, Health & Safety as a means to a safe and secure environment

Calvince is currently an Environment & Safety Consultant working as an associate consultant with various firms including ,Greendime Consultants Limited, Adebwi Geoconsults, E – CUE Associates, ITEC Consultants, Kenface and CORE Occupational Solutions among others. He has experience in the areas of accident and injury prevention, hazard removal and control, health and welfare preservation, the development of safe and healthy work practices, the promotion of health and safety awareness, the provision of training in safe and healthy work practices, the compliance with health and safety legislation and regulations, the rehabilitation of injured employees and consultative mechanisms

Major outputs have been effective engagement in environmental management and conservation, formulation of mitigating measures through project development, capacity building and encouraging community participation to enhance conservation at local level in order to achieve sustainable development both for inter-generational and intra-generational equity. He is also a member of Environment Institute of Kenya (EIK).


Environmental Consultant

Mr. Roy Lwiki Misiko holds Bachelor’s Degree in Management of Agroecosytem and Environmental from The University of Nairobi. He is currently undertaking his Masters Degree in Environmental Planning and Management.

He is a NEMA registered and licensed Lead Expert and is a member of the Environment Institute of Kenya (EIK). He has wide experience in Environmental matters ranging from carrying out Environmental Impact Assessments, Environmental Audits, carrying out Environmental Trainings, Health and safety assessments, advising clients on best environmental practices and ensuring planned sustainable development in projects he undertakes.

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